Tuesday 19 February 2013

Brand positioning

Dahlen’ (2010) brand positioning check list

Which market or markets do we want to target?

NAILED will be targeting young women, aged 15-24, Mintel has noted this group to be the highest users of nail polish.

What is the customer profile and behaviour of the target market?
They are likely to have low income and therefore be more inclined to paint their own nails as opposed to going for a manicure. They will be fashion conscious, strive to stay on trend and willing to push boundaries further than older women.
In terms of grooming they will be well kept and see make up and nails as an extension to their outfit, almost an accessory. They will enjoy having fun with their look and not take themselves too seriously.
Work-wise they will be mainly students, or work in fashion/marketing/events – not corporate environments.
People buying these products won’t necessarily be fully qualified beauticians, but will have an interest in beauty and also be inspired by creativity and fashion.

Who are and will be our main competitors?

I have identified 5 main competitors to the NAILED brand

Nails Inc & OPI are both well-established nail brands. The average cost of one of their polishes is around £11, so they are relatively pricey in comparison to the rest of the market. 

Nails Inc incorporates a ‘British’ theme around it’s branding, and names it’s polishes after places in London – ‘Victoria’ and ‘Sloan Square’

OPI also names it’s polishes, but alternatively going for more quirky, different names that distinguishes the brand as fun, i.e. ‘gargantuan green grape’ and ‘Lincoln park after dark’

Models Own is a brand of make-up, with an extensive nail polish range including nail art pens. They cost roughly £4-5 per polish, and £6 for pens. The concept around the brand is that it is the same make up models wear.

Andrea Fulerton is a nail brand which focuses more of nail art than simply just polishes. The range includes gems and stickers and accessories, and is stocked solely in Superdrug stores. Nail pens cost roughly £8.

WAH Nails is a small nail art brand which focuses on quirky nail designs. They have a salon in Topshop as well as one other in the UK. They do not currently provide their own products, only technicians who do the designs.

What is the point of difference to select amongst the alternatives?
In comparison to the competition, NAILED will provide consumers with more inspiration and tutorial advice on nails designs, as well as the opportunity to share and view others designs

How do we ensure that our target audience perceives our brand as the superior alternative?
Creativity and innovation will give us an edge, so we’ll need to continuously change things up and not let our designs and products become dull. Our strength will be playing on our creativity, and portraying nails as more of an ‘art form’ than our competitors. Adding in a social media aspect will help create a sense a ‘community’ amongst our target group.

Can we ensure we have a better position than our competitors?
Initially I think ensuring we have a better position will be a potentially slow process, and building our social media fan base will be key to our success. Once we have a big enough online following this will hopefully translate into consumers choosing the brand for its creativity

Brand Positioning Map

Looking at the brand positioning map we can see low quality is not something that beauty brands can generally get away with - unless they are also very low budget.  In terms of pricing and quality NAILED will have to aim to position itself among its competitors but will struggle to get a price or quality advantage over them. 

The Consumer Perspective

What is it& what is it for? - An innovative and exciting range of nail products

What does it do? - These products help you to creative distinctive, fun nails at home, for a lot less than it would cost in a salon

What will it do for me? - The product ranges allow you to creative something unique and personal to you, differentiating your style from others.

What are the benefits for me? - As well as being far more cost effective than visiting a nail salon, creating your own distinct designs allows you to explore your own creativity as well as tailoring your nails to your own outfits

Why is it different to my regular brand? - NAILED focuses on more than just nail polishes and gems, it provides you with online support to help you learn and create something special

Will it be worth using this brand long term? - Absolutely – as you change your designs can change with you. The only thing stopping you is your imagination! 

1 comment:

  1. NAILED’s USP is that it focuses predominantly on creativity as opposed to being a ‘typical’ nail/beauty company. It encourages and nurtures creativity
    Our ESP will be that it allows consumers to express themselves and really make the products and designs their own.
    Absolute positioning & Relative positioning
    NAILED is similar to its competition in that it will be offering the same level of high quality nail products whilst our relative positioning will be that we interact more with our consumers, offering creative support and allowing our brand to become interactive and more of a community

    Top 10 words to optimise a consumer search on NAILED
    • ‘Nail art’
    • ‘Nail designs’
    • ‘Nail art tutorials’
    • ‘Nail Polishes’
    • ‘Nail tools’
    • ‘Nail tips’
    • ‘Nail advice’
    • ‘Nail art help’
    • ‘Nail inspiration’
    • ‘Nail art brand’
