Tuesday 19 February 2013

Logo, packaging and brand name brainstorm

Potential names

  • Nail It – Too unoriginal , boring
  • Nailed it – I like this, but not for a brand name, potentially tag line? Or social media hash tag - #NAILEDIT
  • NAILED – I like this, simple, conveys what the brand is about whilst being short, snappy and memorable
  • NAYLED – I think playing  around with the spelling potentially loses the idea of what the brand is about

Look of logo

I’ve decided to steer away from an elaborate logo. I think the name ‘NAILED’ is bold, and brave and straight to the point, and I don’t want to take away from this with fiddly, elaborate fonts.

These are some considerations:


When looking at the above colour connotation chart, I’m immediately drawn to purple, due to its take out of ‘creativity’ as well as red/pinks meaning ‘excitement’. I think both of these words are suggestions I would like attached to my brand


In terms of Nail polish bottles, I think these are key to distinguishing my brand from others – branding is usually kept minimal as not to distract from the colour within the bottle. It is noticeable however that different competitors use bottle shape to distinguish their brand

Out of my competitors, I think Andrea Fullerton’s range is the only to really distinguish itself through its packaging. Noticeably Models Own and Nails Inc have almost identical packaging, despite the price difference (£4 per bottle Models Own, £11 per bottle Nails Inc)

Potential bottle shapes for NAILED

I think the most distinctive in comparison to other brands bottle would be the triangular bottle.

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