Tuesday 19 February 2013

Market Research

Taking in to consideration the target market (16-28 females) the easiest way to gain some more insight in to this group would be to conduct a questionnaire and distribute it on Facebook. This means I am guaranteed respondents who are social media savvy, and I’m also aware that the vast majority of people on my friends list meet the age criteria.

The demographics of my respondents are as follows:


Frequency of Professional manicures

Among my target group, almost a third rarely/never get professional manicures, with an extra quarter stating they get them occasionally. This adequately backs up my belief that my target market is more inclined to at-home beauty treatments, as almost 90% of respondents admitted to painting their own nails at home

At home nail care

From these figures, I believe even a percentage of those who get professional manicures regularly (weekly/monthly) still paint their own nails at home, meaning resistance to DIY nail care would not be a barrier.

To get further insight, in to why my target group actually paint their nails in the first place, I used an open ended response question to get a bit more insight. The results are shown in the below Word Cloud

Why do you paint your own nails?

The word size corresponds to the amount of time it was mentioned by respondents. Immediately here we can see the main reasoning is because it looks good – ‘pretty’ & ‘nice’ and perhaps more interestingly, ‘Bored’ sticks out higher than I would of originally expected. The idea that giving yourself a manicure is not just for visual purposes, but also defies boredom is excellent news for my brand as nail art would be perfect to combat this.

Following on from this, the respondents were shown the following nail art designs to get some general feedback on how they found them

The results ...

 From the above word cloud the response was overall very positive, and seems to really appeal to the target group.

I’m conscious though that appreciating the nail art and actually wearing it though are two completely different things, and wanted to make sure my nails were something people would wear and whether they thought it would be something they could recreate at home. 


Almost 70% of respondents would wear these nail designs – which is encouraging.

When asked how they then felt about being able to recreate these themselves the results were as follows

Over 50% said they would feel comfortable, or at least feel comfortable attempting to recreate these designs themselves. In order to combat the 47% who feel they wouldn’t, it shows I perhaps need to consider adding a more tutorial based element to the brand, perhaps by putting small ‘how to do’ leaflets in the packaging, and on the website.

I was intrigued to see why some people would not wear these designs, and the results are illustrated in the below word cloud when they were asked –

‘why would you not wear these designs?’

The main take out I have got from this is it is all down to personal taste. There are no immediately obvious words other than glitter don’t seem to be popular with this group. Mainly I think it is all down to personal taste, and some people are going prefer a more natural nail. 

1 comment:

  1. NAILED’s USP is that it focuses predominantly on creativity as opposed to being a ‘typical’ nail/beauty company. It encourages and nurtures creativity
    Our ESP will be that it allows consumers to express themselves and really make the products and designs their own.
    Absolute positioning & Relative positioning
    NAILED is similar to its competition in that it will be offering the same level of high quality nail products whilst our relative positioning will be that we interact more with our consumers, offering creative support and allowing our brand to become interactive and more of a community

    Top 10 words to optimise a consumer search on NAILED
    • ‘Nail art’
    • ‘Nail designs’
    • ‘Nail art tutorials’
    • ‘Nail Polishes’
    • ‘Nail tools’
    • ‘Nail tips’
    • ‘Nail advice’
    • ‘Nail art help’
    • ‘Nail inspiration’
    • ‘Nail art brand’
